We set off from La Neueville, pausing ot pay homage to the Commercial School attended by one of Sue's daughters,
and continued round the lake. French Huguenots had found refuge in this part of the country in the 17th century,
and traces still remain. The whole area is steeped in history, with some of the villages and churches dating
from the 13th and 14th centuries. On the way we reached the point where a chape to St. Jodel once stood,
and where if you stood in exactly the right place, you could see all three of the lakes from which this
pilgrim route takes its name, the "Dreiseenweg / Trois Lacs". Further on, we came to Ins, the home village of Albert Anker,
a famous Swiss painter. The area around Ins has been inhabited since at least the Iron Age,
and the village dates to the 11th century.