We returned to Bellelay by bus, arriving at a bus shelter in the middle of nowhere in the mists.
We soon found our way to the Cheese Museum, with eery hay-bale sculptures looming out of the mist.
From there we took a detour through a marsh and then a wooden walkway through a spooky wood.
(Probably both of these are pleasant in good weather!)
From there we followed muddy cow tracks and down a wooded hillside to Le Fuet.
After that, the weathe rimproved as we headed for Tavannes, past the source of the Birse river
and the Peurtus arch to Sonseboz.
(The Col de Pierre Pertuis connects Sonceboz and Tavannes and the name from the Latin: Petra pertusa, meaning broken rock.
The pass road has been dated to the second half of the 1st century AD, making the adjoining towns important trading hubs on the roman road.)