We returned to Kleinlützel, and set off over rolling, wooded countryside.
Soon, we started to see evidence of the heavy rain that had been coming down over the past few weeks,
as well as encountering the typical Jurassic limestone features.
After pausing at a lake for a snack, we arrived at Soyhières with its église Saint Etienne with its
Islamic corner in the graveyard.
As we continued, we came across more examples of the severe weather conditions earlier:
at one place, we found the soft stone completely washed away from under a road!
At the Chapelle de Vorbourg, just before Delémont, we discovered a welcome for pilgrims in distress,
with some interesting votive panels. Continuing on towards the railway station, we came across a
relatively modern chapel, the Chapelle du Righi that had some magnificent stained glass created by a local artist.
Unfortunately, we didn't manage to find any pilgrim stamp for our "crédentiale" that day.